"For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth."

Friday, July 13, 2007


There is a great deal of free online resources for any who are interested in Biblical Studies. I have chosen to work on a list of links for any who may be researching said topic or closely (although sometimes loosely) related topics. This is a massive project and I have been at it for some time on an alumni blog that I frequent and am now making available to others. It is almost too big of a task to tackle!

I wish to thank Mike Leary for his encouragement concerning this topic by opening my eyes to such quality online tools/resources when he suggested different sites on my alumni blog site to certain questions/discussions. The more sites/blogs I visited the more resources I have found! This has added greatly to the few sites I knew existed.

As more and more quality information arises on the internet the bigger this list of links may grow. At the current state of affairs, I have made the framework with which I will be working with to list the links. I imagine, if I do not crash the blogsite, that my page may be quite long when most of the links are added. I do not wish such confusion as a terribly long list may encounter, so I have come up with a simple way to navigate quickly to the desired topics.

At the top of the list I have the general topics with subtopics as links to the list of links under that subtopic. To say that again, after finding the topic you are looking for, simply click on the link to that topic's list of links. I have placed numerous "Go to the top" links throughout to take one to the top of the Biblical Studies Resources list of topics of links for quick navigation as well. By using this feature one might save their middle finger from working too hard on scrolling up or down the page since one might use said finger for other noteworthy causes!

Enjoy researching "for" (on behalf of) the truth!


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