"For we cannot do anything against the truth, but only for the truth."

Thursday, June 25, 2009

The Ark of the Covenant Announcement

On June 17th Adnkronos, an Italian news agency, reported that the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia, Abuna Paulos, said "Next Friday we'll show the true Ark of the Covenant to the world." That is, June 26th. The announcement will begin at 7am CST in the USA.

While I cannot translate the Italian news article, I have seen this picked up early on by bloggers Antonio Lombatti (Soon the world will see the Ark of the Covenant) and Jim West (Oh I Bet! The Unveiling of the 'True Ark of the Covenant'), both whom are skeptical of its reality.

The location from Ethiopia would be consistent with Bob Cornuke's guesstimate and others. I only note it as a "guesstimate" because I am not interested in sensationalizing this or the surrounding matters. From professors who have taught me well, I'd like to see articles in peer-reviewed journals discussing the archeaological finds hopefully with photographs in situ during the discovery of an item/object. In this case, that might not be available. Regardless, archeaological testing of the evidence claiming to be the Ark of the Covenant from the time of Moses will hopefully be accepted, and hopefully without damaging the artifact(s). We live in a time where many advances in technology would be helpful in doing that very kind of work. It also appears that the Orthodox Ethiopian Church made multiple copies of the Ark of the Covenan and placed them in multiple churches throughout the countryt, presumably to help hide the authentic Ark of the Covenant (AOC; cf. the news articles I will note later in the article for support).

I have no idea what to make of it to be honest with you. I think it would be a cool artifact to testify about the historicity of the Exodus, Nationalization of the family Covenant, and subsequent Solomonic Temple. But that is not it's only value. I'd like to think that my excitment would be held in check with my skepticism and patience for the evidence to be vetted out.

I'm not going to worry about it if it does not get revealed or if it turns out to be something as inaccurate as Tudor Parfitt's The Lost Ark of the Covenant: Solving the 2,500 Year Mystery of the Fabled Biblical Ark which claims that the Ark was some sort of canon and its remains are a charred wooden bowl of some sort.

Regardless, it will be interesting to see what happens if anything does occur tomorrow. It appears that a museum will be constructed to house the artifact for it to be publicly viewed. We will see what evidence is provided tomorrow.

Just as a cautionary speculatation, seeing other Google News Results for this Ethiopian Patriarch Abuna Paulos might indicate that his presence at the G-8's Religious Leaders conference and communications with Pope Benedict XVI might indicate his understanding of what is meant by the Ark of the Covenant could be some sort of symbolic agreement among branches of Christianity. I have no idea for sure since I cannot read the article in the original language. Although, the previous Google news result for Abuna Paulos earlier in June produces a story concerning an actual artifact of religious significance for the Orthodox Ethiopian church being returned after being stolen.

If you can translate the Italian article, I'd appreciate it (UPDATE: It can now be read in English: Be sure to scroll down to the translation). I have no idea why I'm blogging this other than to get you alerted to see what happens I guess. Not much factual evidence to go on as of yet. I'd probably enjoy seeing something in a peer reviewed journal articles instead of in the news and annopuncements only. Only time and evidence will tell. We live in a live media day and age and the discussion will be in the public square instead of just the college classroom or textbook.

Go to Google News Results for a short list.

Chronicling the news regarding the Ark:
June 17, 2009 (Original story): ll Patriarca d'Etiopia: "Presto il mondo conoscerà l'Arca dell'Alleanza". Dai Templari a Indiana Jones è il mistero dei misteri

June 18, 2009 (blogger): Soon the world will see the Ark of the Covenant by Antonio Lombatti

June 18, 2009 (blogger): Oh I Bet! The Unveiling of the 'True Ark of the Covenant' by Jim West

MAJOR UPDATE TOTALLY MISSED: June 19, 2009 (article): http://www.adnkronos.com/IGN/News/Cronaca/?id=3.0.3445266776
TRANSLATION: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/news/2279094/posts?page=107#107
Evidently proofs are being given. The Ark itself is not to be revealed. Just proffs of its existence. So far the Patriarch has said very little about it so there is not much to go on at this point. It appears that there are some objects along with the Ark's presence, thus proving the Ark's existence somehow. Not sure how, but somehow. Other archeaological finds will be considered seperately I imagine. Transcriptions of inscriptions will need to be vetted. Sources of the transcription evidence will also be challenged.

Here's the important announcement from last Friday:

"All that which is found in the Ark--explained the Patriarch, responding to the
curiosity of journalists--is described perfectly in the Bible. The state of
conservation is good because it is not made from the hand of man, but it is
something that God has blessed." "There are many writings and evidences of the
presence of the Ark in Ethiopia. There is no reason why someone [would] dare to
affirm to have something that he doesn't have," explained the Patriarch. "I am
not here to give proofs that the Ark is in Ethiopia, but I am here to say what I
saw, what I know and I can attest to. I didn't say that the Ark would be
revealed to the world. It is a mystery, an object of veneration."

June 23, 2009 (blogger):Just In Time For the 'Unveiling of the Ark' by Jim West (interesting Locust swarm in a region not usually infested: Locust infestation).

June 23, 2009 (blogger): Ark of the Covenant to be Revealed in Three Days – UPDATED by Ultraguy

June 24, 2009 (blogger): The Ark, Ethiopia and Jesus’ return by Brad A. Greenberg

June 24, 2009 (news article): 'Ark of the Covenant' about to be unveiled? Ethiopian patriarch tells pope he will show artifact to world by World Net Daily

June 25, 2009 (news article): "Ark of the Covenant" about to be unveiled in Ethiopia? by World Net Daily

June 25, 2009 (news article): ARK OF THE COVENANT REVEALED By Marge Floori

June 25, 2009 (news article): Holy Ark Announcement Due on Friday by Hillel Fendel

June 25, 2009 (news article with translation of original Italian into English with Google translator): IV Summit of Religious Leaders

Google News Search for Ark of Covenant

Google News search for Abuna Paulos

Starting to get noticed on Twitter.

Google Blog Search Activity is also showing results.

Looks like Twitter and the blogosphere is pretty much looking into this much quicker than the biggere standard media outlets.

Here's a pretty good overview of some of the issues involved: World Net Daily. They interview Bob Cornuke as I already have mentioned. They also give the different theories on the timing of the transfer of the Ark to Ethiopia and also the competing theories as to its location.

UPDATE: Perhaps my suspicions are coming true? G-8 Religious Leaders Conference
It still appears that there may be something indicating tourism to Ethiopia to increase. We shall see. It is past 2pm in Italy (7am CST in USA) when the announcement was to occur and no news in English as of yet. I imagine it would be in Italian as the originally released article was.

June 26, 2009 (news article): Latest update has report of Museum in Axum to display the Ark of the Covenant

June 26, 2009 (news article): Another report confirming previous one today: Post Chronicle by Jack Ryan

June 26, 2009 (news article): Another rehash of earlier reports. Nothing new yet. Looking for info press conference still (pay no attention to the title): Ark of the Covenant Found!

Still no word on the announcement today. What I do see is an interesting blog that retranslates the original Italian article from last week. Here's what it Ethiopian Ark of the Covenant Not To Be Revealed After All/ says,

"I am not here to give proofs that the Ark is in Ethiopia, but I am here to say
what I saw, what I know and I can attest to. I didn’t say that the Ark would be
revealed to the world. It is a mystery, an object of veneration." (Italian: "Non
sono qui per dare delle prove che l’Arca sia in Etiopia, ma sono qui per dire
quello che ho visto, quello che so e che posso testimoniare. Non ho detto che
l’Arca sarà mostrata al mondo. E’ un mistero, un oggetto di culto.").

This might be closer to the truth if it is a better translation of the Patriarchs comments. I actually do not know Italian. This seems to be to be realistic, that is, proofs are being revealed in order for the truth of the Ark's existence to be vetted out. This matches with an email I have seen from a SWTS professor who has seen some sort of inscription transcription from a questionable source and is in the process of questioning the script and grammar. Interesting indeed. Questions surround multiple aspects of the historicity of the possibility etc. Not all of the professor's questions seem to be required an answer, but some are better than others. Some are in reference to claims not even made by the Patriarch it appears. Let's try to make sure facts are straight. However, this does not correspond well with some of the other comments made by the Patriarch. Check into it still.

See a good search engine's results: What's Hot Right Now?


Still getting conflicting reports. Sounds like no press conference was done today. Perhaps the 2d Italian article last week was the press conference and not today. However, reports about a museum, and some statements just don't match up quite yet. See Hark! Where's the Bible Ark?

Another news report: http://www.ethioguardian.com/news.php?extend.2798

Note that the Patriarch is not making claims as to how it got there in Ethiopia or when it arrived. This is another debate others are having.

Here's a news report that the Ark is in Israel and blurred pictures from an area behind a man-made wall are available with guesstimates of the objects it is picking up on: http://newsblaze.com/story/20090627101519zzzz.nb/topstory.html

Interesting too. I still think the Titus Arch needs to be kept in mind. Not sure what exactly each object is or if they are fakes to distract from the real inner Temple artifacts or if they are exterior items taken from the Jerusalem precincts.

Be sure there is debate and I hope physical evidences are examined by scholars and opinions weighed in terms of probabilities rather than in certainties. Some voices, who are not the scholarly archeaologists but investigators willing to disseminate news are logical and reasonable and willing to yield the evidence to scholars to evaluate. We shall see and time will tell perhaps, unless things continue to be veiled. I am not too concerned if these things come to light or not, but it was interesting to track the news from last week. Just bringing minor debates to the public square a little bit more.